Plague Inc: Evolved

So, I found myself bored and wanted to play something new, then I found this tiny game named called Plague Inc. that I played on my PC. It is about breeding a plague that is going to try and wipe out the world, you have to evolve it to make it survive. You need to play it time and time again to be able to unlock everything. I started by using the Bacteria and with that I unlocked the Virus.
My first bacteria managed to eradicate the world in a matter of 4 years, starting in U.S.A and ending in Brazil. Yes, I named it Cut-e, just for fun. The evolvements the plague can make are rather many and you can choose how it will travel, how it reacts to weather, how and what is does when humans get infected and if it should infect animals as well. The world will try and stop you, developing cures to save humanity and you can evolve against that as well.
I found this rather fun and I felt kinda evil for killing the entire world, but then again, it really felt like people would react like this if they were on the brink of death. Resorting to military governments, bombing overly infected lands and cutting off anything to keep people from getting in.

It is a fun game to kill some time with, and really interesting at that. I think you all should all try it.

Plague Inc.

12 thoughts on “Plague Inc: Evolved

  1. I haven’t played the pc version, i have the iOS one and play a game or two most days on my commute to work. I don’t know if the gameplay is exactly the same in both versions, but the mobile one keeps me coming back for more world destruction. I love finding new symptoms combinations, and (at least in the mobile one) news updates are hilarious some times and even some are based on real world events, I remember one about the fifa world cup that said that a player needed antibiotics after another one bit him (something that actually happened).
    I found a strategy that works on almost every type of disease even on brutal difficulty (mega brutal on some), but It relies on stealth and fast spreading so it doesn’t work well with fungus, nano virus and bio weapon types of disease.
    It sounds really interesting the idea of a multiplayer, i might make me consider crossing over to the pc version, do you know if it’s already implemented?


  2. It’s fun to see it mutate, but early on when the Symptoms start causing you get noticed, it’s annoying.

    Build up Symptoms? That is what helps you get noticed 😮 I always try to keep symptoms completely empty until I’ve infected the entire world, then you’ve got like 100+ DNA points to supercharge the Symptoms to all death-like and wham! That world is going down fast, along with Resistance upgrades of course.

    – Usually I found, after I infected the entire world, I usually had like…100+ DNA points to spend on everything else. Did you find yourself towards the end with an abundance or lack of?

    – Also, Greenland was the most annoying country to infect for me. Which did you find the hardest to reach? Usually I had to have Level 3 Water/Air Infection rate and the Cold Resistance to get Greenland! Especially with that only connection being by Norway. ( And if you build up Symptoms too quick, they close the Water/Air borders, so getting to Greenland is then impossible = Fail the game )

    Oh? Hmm… I found it slow, at first, but because of the high population and poor hygiene it spread quickly. Usually to Egypt for the Airport there, then it really begins to take off! ( No pun intended 😛 )

    Yeah, that day I had the Kissing infection symptom. Very useful! The best Symptom I’ve found so far is the Insanity one on the far left bottom corner of the Symptom list.

    – What was your favourite symptom? Or, what made you really think “Oh yeah I’m gonna fuck this world UP!”


  3. “OH they’ve made a videogame version of Pandemic!?” That was my first thought before I realised that no it isn’t and I’ve heard about this one before. 🙂

    I can see on your first screen-shot that it says Multiplayer, on their website I couldn’t find much information, I do admit, I did not take too much time trying to find any, so apologise if it is on there, but what would a multiplayer session mean? One team trying to infect the world while the other one tries to save it? Or just different strands of viruses or bacteria?

    How long did it take you to finish off the world? Did you find the game-play hard and challenging or is it just meant for you to spend some time on it?

    The games seems to be available for PC (win and mac), Android and iOS right now.
    Does it get the feeling of being a phone game or was the transition seamless?

    Have you tried the Android version as well?

    The game seems interesting for times when you want to do something different, I might just pick it up and try it out at some point.


    1. I have no idea about the multiplayer, I didn’t try it and I am not sure that it’s really implemented yet. I don’t know how one would play either.

      It took maybe 30 min to kill off the world in my play through. It wasn’t really challenging but there are harder difficulties to choose.

      I didn’t really get the feeling of a phone game however I felt that it would work well on a phone as well so I wasn’t surprised that it was in the phone market as well. But I haven’t tried it.


  4. Plague Inc! I have this 🙂 I first heard about it, and played, on Android. Very fun little game to start up while I was out and about. There was something satisfying about it that I couldn’t quite place… Or that’s just my world domination evilness coming out in me!

    At first, the game was easy. Start off with some low level Bacteria, simple enough to infect the world by starting off in a poor country and working from there, keeping your symptoms down but infection up. However, after that, is when it starts getting harder! Especially with the Virus Class having their ‘mutation’ ability to get symptons at random (And this time it cost to get rid of them!)

    – Started off in the U.S of A huh? How did that fair? 😮 You have to buy the anti-biotic resistance pretty early I bet, surprised it didn’t die off quickly! Very well done there. I usually started in Western Africa. High population, Third World = Easy infection rate that can quickly spread.

    One thing about this game I loved though, was it actually gave you updates on what was happening in the world while your Plague infected it. It gave you pointers to what infections to get (Like, World Kissing Day = Improve infection rate through kissing, etc). The world actually felt sort of alive, even if you couldn’t get in close and see it.

    -Did any of the News Updates make you giggle a bit? I remember one odd one… Er, it was something about Italy and the leaning tower of Pizza. Can’t remember exactly…

    The leap from Android to PC wasn’t much of a difference, although I admit it’s still just as fun to play either. Wiping out humanity with a disease named: “Pwnt” felt kind of… Bad, but also good! In a way… Hehe 🙂

    Overall, a very fun, simple game, that got overlooked on Android but I’m sure with it’s PC release will get the attention it deserves! (Also with the new update, Planet of the Apes style! Haven’t tried that one yet, but will have to look into it.)


    1. I actually enjoyed the fact that the disease could mutate by themselves, made me be able to put points in things that were needed instead of those at times.

      Well it worked really well, it took out most of the world before anyone even knew it was going around at all. I built up the transfer and the symptoms first before I made it really resistant so it spread fast.

      I felt however when I played the second time and had unlocked the virus, and used it on poor Africa, it was much slower and people noticed much faster. Killing the virus before it could kill the world.

      I thought “Kissing-day” was fun that I can remember.


      1. It’s fun to see it mutate, but early on when the Symptoms start causing you get noticed, it’s annoying.

        Build up Symptoms? That is what helps you get noticed 😮 I always try to keep symptoms completely empty until I’ve infected the entire world, then you’ve got like 100+ DNA points to supercharge the Symptoms to all death-like and wham! That world is going down fast, along with Resistance upgrades of course.

        – Usually I found, after I infected the entire world, I usually had like…100+ DNA points to spend on everything else. Did you find yourself towards the end with an abundance or lack of?

        – Also, Greenland was the most annoying country to infect for me. Which did you find the hardest to reach? Usually I had to have Level 3 Water/Air Infection rate and the Cold Resistance to get Greenland! Especially with that only connection being by Norway. ( And if you build up Symptoms too quick, they close the Water/Air borders, so getting to Greenland is then impossible = Fail the game )

        Oh? Hmm… I found it slow, at first, but because of the high population and poor hygiene it spread quickly. Usually to Egypt for the Airport there, then it really begins to take off! ( No pun intended 😛 )

        Yeah, that day I had the Kissing infection symptom. Very useful! The best Symptom I’ve found so far is the Insanity one on the far left bottom corner of the Symptom list.

        – What was your favourite symptom? Or, what made you really think “Oh yeah I’m gonna fuck this world UP!”


        1. Yeah, certain symptoms were rather common so they didn’t really raise suspicion I suppose. I thought I had many points all the time really, but towards the end when most things are dead, the points are slowing down as well.

          I put all my points into the air and water first so they would travel faster. Didn’t really think about the countries but U.S.A was really slow at first until the whole country started turning red and sending infected out to the world.

          My favorite symptom must have been the bleeding through the skin part or if that came in a text due to a mixture of symptoms.


          1. Yeah they go like… “So and so has been found to have an increased coughing rate in this area. However no further investigation will be made.” or something like that. Just for small symptoms. And yeah, points did slow down towards the end of infection, but they rocket when you start killing the population so fast! I was adding symptoms left, right and centre!

            – Yeah I always put mine in Water/Air first. Though starting off in America, I imagine you had to put some into the Anti-Biotic Resistance? Otherwise it wouldn’t have got anywhere!

            Kind of funny though that you started in America, yet the Virus ended in Brazil. Neighbouring countries and plus Brazil being… Third-world? I think it still is a third-world country, surprising it survived so long. Usually it’s either Russia or Greenland who last the longest when I play.

            Oooo rough! I think I remember that one… Insanity was just so good though. Killed people, lowered the rate of a cure, and overall just made the game a certain win!


            1. As I said, they didn’t notice it before it had spread all over the world and killed most of U.S.A. Guess I was lucky.

              Central America, Brazil and China was the best fighters that round. Those were the last ones to go. Russia and such countries went rather fast after a while.


              1. Yeah, nice work! 🙂 I infected the USA a lot faster then the UK, I gotta admit, and Sweden/Norway were quite good at fending it off!

                Yeah, China was a pain in the arse, Japan too. Russia just took ages fpr me, think it was because of the Cold. Surprisingly New Zealand was easy, for being such a remote country.


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