World’s Dawn, a way better Harvest Moon.

So, a while ago I posted about the soon coming Stardew Valley being all giddy about that. Now recently searching for more options to Harvest Moon games, for the emulators I got, I came across this game called World’s Dawn and let’s just say I got giddy again.

It’s not entirely out there and a kickstarter have started for it, but for the time being you can play from spring – autumn. The game atm is entirely free it seems, but as it is finalized it’ll probably cost a small sum.

I can’t wait for it!

2 thoughts on “World’s Dawn, a way better Harvest Moon.

  1. Wooo for Kickstarter! Many games I’ve seen on there that look like I’ll be getting in the future! 🙂 Make sure you keep us all updated as we all love a good community driven game 😛 Especially if they actually listen to our Feedback!

    – Do you think Websites like Kickstarter are good for gaming, or do you think some Companies just want to take our money and bring out a half-assed mess that really should be banned in law for doing?

    – Have you ever contributed on Kickstarter? And if you have, which one was the one that most piqued your interest?


    1. I think Kickstarter is both a good thing and a bad thing. Any company can place their games there, both big and small. So, EA could place their games there as well as a new up and coming person who just wants to show what he can do.

      I haven’t sadly, tho I wished I had for games like Pillars and so on.


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